Applies to: DT41Y/DT61Y/DT81Y/DN41R/DN61R/DN81R/DT41GB/DT81GB/DT61GB/DT41DB/DT81DB/DT61EQ/DW41JD/DW81KD/DW61LD/DT81DP/N48PI/N44PI/N46PI/N44PAM/N48PAW/N46PCK/N88PCH/N441Y/N481Y/S500/S300/FC200/NCK800/H800/H500/C800/ C500/ B1200/NC400/ CZ500/ CZ400
Here is the video for your reference to find back Annke Vision APP log in password.
If you forget your password when logging in, please follow the steps below to change the password.
Here are the steps for you:
1. If you forgot your login password, please click “Forgot Password”, then input the email account you used for registration and click “Next”. At this time, the APP system will send a verification code to the registered email box/phone No.
2. After you find the verification code from the registered email box, please input it in the APP, and click “Next” to reset the password. Please input a new password two times and click “Submit” to finish your resetting. Finally, you can log in to the APP with the new password.
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