Applies to: I41EJ
1. Note before operation
- You need to have an Echo Show, and make sure it's online;
- Please set up your camera according to the user manual;
- Please modify the camera’s nickname, and nickname should be in English like bedroom, office, home, house, baby, garden, shop
2. Connect the camera to Alexa
Please open your Alexa APP, register an account and sign in, then follow the steps as below:
- Click the menu in the upper left corner
- Choose “Skills&Games"
- Input “annke” and click the “search” button
- Click “annke camera” skill
- Click “ENABLE”
- Sign in to your ”Myannke” account
- Close the “successfully linked” page
- Check your device list
3. Voice Command supported by Myannke
- Play live video of the camera via your voice command: {Alexa}, {show} {the} {bedroom}
- Stop playing live video via your voice command: {Alexa}, {stop}
Note: Your command must include the article “ THE”. You can also add “MY” after the camera’s name so that the Echo show can easily recognize your command.
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