Applies to:
Purpose: Adding a WIFI camera to Annke's DVR
Here are the steps:
1. Please connect the camera to a 12V DC power supply (must be 12 Volt, can be 1 Amp or above) and to a broadband router by ethernet cable.
2. And then, please visit the camera via the web first. Here is a link for your reference:
Annke Vision -- How to Access the Web interface of ANNKE PoE Cameras via Browser? (Without NVR)
Please take down the camera's IP address like this picture shows.
3. Please click configuration>network>advanced settings>WI-FI>Please click enable>choose your Wi-Fi in the wireless list>please input the information of your WIFI>click save.
4. Please connect your DVR to your router by using a network cable. After that, you can find the DVR is detected by the sadp Tool. Please double click the ip address>input the username and password of the DVR.
5. Please go to configuration>camera management>ip camera>you can find that the camera is detected by the NVR>please select it>click modify.
6. Please input the IP address of the camera>choose IPCAM in the Protocol>please input the activation password of the camera>click ok.
7. After the WI-FI camera is connected to the DVR successfully, there will be a 'Play' icon under the 'IP Camera' setup. You can go to go to 'Live View' to see the image of WI-FI camera.
8. After that, you can disconnect the network cable between camera and router.
If you have any other questions, please contact ANNKE technical support at by email.
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