Applies to:
This instruction is to help you set up an email alert by the web page.
1. Please use Gmail. We are sorry that the system does not support Hotmail, yahoo, or others.
2. Log in Google account, go to 'Security', then turn on '2-Step Verification'. Click on 'App Password' to create your App Password (16 digits).
3. Search 'App Password'
4. Make sure the system is connected to the router by Ethernet cable.
5. Get a windows computer that is connected to the same router by wifi or by cable and is in the same network area as the system is.
6. Install a software SADPtool. Here is the download link.
7. Run the tool and detect the DVR/NVR's IP.
8. Access the system's setting page by its IP address. Please use IE instead of other browsers. If your computer is windows 10, there is a method to find IE.
9. Please make sure the system is online. You could go to Configuration-->Network-->Advance setting-->Platform Access-->Register Status to check it. It should be online.
10. Please go to Configuration-Basic Event to enable motion detection. And please draw area and setup sensitivity according to your requirement.
11. Then please set up an arming schedule.
12. Please go to Linkage Method to enable Send Email, Trigger Alarm Output, and Trigger Channel.
13. Go to the email to fill out your email information.
Sender can be anything
Sender‘s address is your Gmail address. For example,
SMTP Server is
SMTP Port is 587 or 465
Tick on SSL
User name is your Gmail address
Password is your App password (16 digits) from Google
Confirm Input your App password (16 digits) from Google again
Receiver can be anything
Receiver‘s address can be any email address you want to receive notification.
Click test if it says success, all is working.
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