Applies to: NW41V/N441H/N441K/N28WEB/N441B/N441D/N441L/N44PAN/N44PAJ/N34WDB/N34WDD/N44WEB/N44WED/N44WEC/NW41V/N44WBD/N48WHP/N48WHE
NOTE: You had better use Gmail, not Yahoo or Hotmail.
Here are the steps for you:
1. Connect NVR to the router by an ethernet cable.
Pay attention: there are 4 ethernet ports at the back of NVR which includes 3 LAN ports and 1 WAN port. Please use the WAN port to connect the router, no LAN port.
2. Check the system P2P status and make sure it is Online.
3. Go to System setup-Channel setup-Video detection. Enable it and tick the Email Notice option.
4.Log in Google account, go to 'Security', then turn on '2-Step Verification'. Click on 'App Password' to create your App Password (16 digits).
Search 'App Password'
5. Please set up an email in the DVR setting like the picture below. If the mail test succeeds, it is working.
The SMTP server is
The port is 587 or 465.
The user name is your Gmail account
Password is your APP password (16 digits)from Google
Encryption Type is SSL
The sender is your Gmail account
The sender is a receiver and can be any email
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