Applies to: C61H/C11H
1. Connect camera‘s female power cord to male power cord of long cable;
2. Connect camera‘s female BNC video cord to male BNC video cord of long cable;
3. Connect camera‘s RS485 cord to RS485 cord of long cable;
4. Connect long cable‘s female power cord to a power source;
5. Connect long cable‘s female BNC video cord to DVR‘s BNC video-in port;
6. Connect long cable‘s female RS485 cord to joystick‘s RS485-in port
7. set protocol and baud rate
Finally, you can use the joystick to move the camera.
8. get another RS485 to connect RS485 out port of joystick and RS485 port of DVR
9. go to DVR‘s setting to set protocol and baud rate.
Finally, DVR can move the camera.
Baud rate: 1200bps、2400bps、4800bps、9600bps、19200pbs、38400pbs
Protocol:Pelco-D 、Pelco-P 、SAMSUNG、AD、PANASONIC
If joystick or DVR cannot move the camera,
1. check if RS485‘s positive and negative is opposite
2. notice if camera spin by itself when it gets power. if not, the camera is broken.
3. check if protocol and baud rate is correct.
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