Horray! This is the ANNKE Help Center for you!
What's the ANNKE Help Center?
ANNKE Help Center is an open support center for all the users, you may find the answers about your product parameters, operations, and any other questions.
Do I need anything special to use it?
All you need to use the Help Center is an internet connection or an email. Join us here! Once you're in, begin finding the answers by yourself or submit a request to our support team to get the help.
How can I find the answer to my questions?
We suggest searching the keywords with your device model number, refer to here to find your model number.
Can I check the tickets on the Help Center?
Yes! You may log in to your account and check all the tickets you submitted on the "My activities" page. Select the "Tickets" to review all the conversations with our support team, if it was solved, you may rate it according to the service experience.
Can I ask for phone support?
Yes! But we need to know your issue details first to help you solve it soon via the phone. So we suggest submitting a request to tell us your issue and then schedule a call with the support team. If it is necessary, you may also schedule a TeamViewer with the support team.
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