If there's no video output on the monitor from Annke DVR/NVR, you may follow the troubleshooting tips listed below to solve the problem. There are several possible causes of the problem.
Cause 1. The video output resolution of the DVR/NVR is not supported by the monitor/TV
Solution: Ensure the monitor/TV‘s resolution must be higher than the display resolution of the DVR. If not, the monitor is not able to show any image of the cameras.
Cause 2. The system program is frozen when booting up
Solution: Contact the support team with your device model for the firmware to fix the issue.
Cause 3. The TV/Monitor is not in the right mode
Solution: Make sure TV/Monitor in the correct mode, HDMI I or HDMI II mode for HDMI cable, VGA mode for VGA cable, you can use your TV's remote controller to switch all of the TV's mode to have a try.
Cause 4. HDMI/VGA cable is defective
Solution: Check whether the cable is defective by using it to connect other devices to the router and see if it works, or use another HDMI/VGA cable and try again.
Cause 5. The TV/monitor is defective
Solution: Ensure the cables and ports you used are working properly, and use another TV/Monitor to have a try.
Cause 6. HDMI/VGA port on the DVR/NVR is defective
Solution: Ensure the cables and TV/monitor you used are working properly, use spare DVR/NVR to have a try.
Cause 7. DVR/NVR cannot be powered on
- Ensure the outlet of your DVR/NVR is working. If not, please use another outlet to have a try.
- Check whether the LED on the DC adapter is on. If not, try another adapter to have a try
- Check the LED's status on the front panel of the DVR/NVR.
Cause 8. DVR/NVR's power supply is defective
Solution: Change another power supply, you can use the camera's power instead to have a try.
- Please tell us what steps you have taken and the corresponding troubleshooting results and take photos then send them to us as an attachment so that we can help you solve the problem better.
- Please click Submitting a request to contact our support team for help.
It seems that everything is connected as should be but nothing has changed and I still can't see any pictures on the TV Monitor or remotely
Can't get DVR to stop flashing and it's not connecting to internet so I can't even get into the system. From TV nor my phone app.
All junk
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