Applies to: DW81KD/DW41JD/DW61LD/S500/S300/FC200/DX31NB
Note: You need to format the USB stick to FAT32 on a computer in advance.
1. Plug a USB stick or external hard drive into the USB port.
2. Go to Menu-->Search to choose the Channel, Date, Start time, End time, File type, Search type, and Event type. Click to search the file.
3. When the result is found, choose the channel and record you want to back up. Click Export.
4. When your USB recognized by the system it will show the files on your USB stick, choose the Save Type and folder, click Video and log, Click OK to back up the recording.
5. The download progress can be checked by clicking the Backup button in the right up corner.
6. After you finished export, you can play the video on your PC. We recommend the VLC player.
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