Applies to: C800/CZ400/CZ500
Introduction: The article below demonstrates how to connect the camera to NAS in 2 different ways, which are done by NFS and ONVIF connections. let`s take Synology NAS for example in this article.
Method 1: NFS Connection
1. Please power on the camera and the NAS system.
Both the NAS and camera should be connected to the same router/network by Ethernet cables.
2. Download the Synology Assistant software via the link below.
3. Please run the Assistant software on the computer. If the NAS is running, it will be detected.
4. Access the NAS with its IP address.
5. The user name and password is the account of your NAS.
6. Please check the Storage status that should be “Healthy”.
7. Go to File Sharing--File Service to enable NFS service.
8. Go to Shared Folder to create a file to save the records from the camera. The Name can be anything. And click Next until you see the “NFS permissions”.
9. Click “Create” to allow permission for the camera.
Hostname or IP: it can be * or the IP address of the camera (see step 10).
Privilege: Read/Write
Squash: No mapping
Security: sys
Then you will see the result like the picture below.
Finally, the settings on NAS are finished. Please remember the path of the camera on NAS. The path can be found in the left corner of the picture above.
Now let’s go to configure the settings on the camera.
10. Please refer to this instruction to find the IP address of the camera and access the Configuration.
11. Go to Storage Management--HDD Management. Please adjust the “Percentage of Record” to 100%. Otherwise, the HDD formatting will be failed.
12. Go to Net HDD. Click the Gray shift to enter the IP address of NAS. And the file path that you created for the camera on step 9.
13. After that, please click Test. If you can see “Test succeeded”, the connection is working.
14. Go back to HDD management, you will find the NAS as the HDD.9
The HDD status will be Uninitialized.
15. Click “Format” to format the HDD. The disk formatting duration depends on the disk capacity. A 1TB HDD may take 10 minutes for formatting. Please wait patiently until the status is automatically back to Normal.
16. Go to Storage to set up a recording schedule.
17. Waiting 10 minutes for recording and going to Playback to see if you can playback the footage.
If yes, the NAS is working.
Tips: You can also download the footage from NAS.
1. Access the NAS setting, and you will find there are many files that were automatically created.
2. Find the MP4 files. Please note the size of the file.
3. Right-click the mouse to download the MP4 file.
4. Please open the file with the VLC player or other player that supports H.265 format.
Method 2: ONVIF Connection
1. To start with, please refer to the instructions below to access the camera on the web browser. Then enable and create an Onvif account. Please follow steps 1-6 in the instruction below:
2. Access your NAS first and go to the control panel to find the Surveillance Station.
3. Go to IP camera--Add camera--Quick setup.
4. Fill in the information about the camera.
Name: Created by yourself. It can be anything.
IP address: IP address of the camera. Please find it on the SADP tool.
Port: 80
Brand: Onvif
Camera model: All functions
User name: Username of ONVIF account you create on step1.
Password: password of the Onvif account.
5. Click Load Capability and test connection to verify the adding result. If you can see the live view image of the camera, the connection is successful.
6. Click Next and confirm the information and click Finish.
7. To download the video, please go to Control Panel--Recording--find the footage you need--download.
Note: For any other questions, please feel free to contact ANNKE technical support at by email.
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