Applies to: DT41Y/DT61Y/DT81Y/DN41R/DN61R/DN81R/DT41GB/DT81GB/DT61GB/DW41JD/DW81KD/DW61LD/DT81DP/DG31GN/N48PI/N44PI/N46PI/N44PAM/N48PAW/N46PCK/N88PCH/S500/S300/FC200/NCK800/H800/H500/E500/E800
Before updating, please read this note carefully.
Honestly, if your NVR/ DVR works well, we do not suggest updating the firmware since there is a risk that some functions will mess up after the upgrade sometimes.
For the upgrade procedures, please refer to
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact ANNKE technical support at by email for further help.
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N48PAW firmware is mentioneed in the "Applies to" but is not in the table.
Update N48PAW please
where is N48PAW download?
Hi..... That a response from tech support,i didn't try it yet
Thanks for contacting us. This is Alex from ANNKE Technical Support
Honestly, if your NVR works well, we do not suggest updating the firmware since there is the risk that some functions will mess up after the upgrade sometimes.
Here is the new firmware for the NVR, please try.
And here are the steps for your inference.
Annke Vision - How to Upgrade DVR/NVR`s Firmware from TV or Monitor?
I am looking forward to your reply.
Any other problems, please feel free to reach out.
Best Regards,
Alex | Technical Support
Annke feels like its a home brew company. When you say "honestly" in your message and tell people not to update. Wish I knew this before investing in annke.
Any update on the firmware aspect for N48PAW?
Any changlog keept indicating changes/fixes between versions?
Whats the current stable version released?
Please I will like to order a new NVR system as mine is not working properly model number N46PCK. My name is Charles
tengo un dvr annke modeloDN81R QUIERO ACTUALIZARLO PORQUE EL firmware esta en 3.4
Hello Support
The Annke NVR N96PBD ist not listed.
Please provide for this NVR the newest firmware.
Thank you.
is there a new update for n48whp or i41GD cameras?
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